Ok ... I think this will be the final post to get everyone up to date.
Sheeps! We had a couple of lambs at the end of last year. They are probably Dorper x Katahdin crosses. Cute as cute can be. See?
Lamb #1:

And Lamb #2 when she was first dropped:

A couple of weeks later:

We also bought 7 new purebred Dorper sheep, with one ewe lamb by the side of one of the ewes. I don't have pictures of those yet, but I will soon.
My friend Jen was kind enough to work Echo (I keep wanting to call her Kiva) for me last week. She did awesome! Here she is at 7 months old:

And here she is ... all so proud of herself!

Oh, yes ... the snow. We have been getting some of that. Isn't it gorgeous?

Oh, and one more thing ... in the middle of all this chaos, Phyllis and I rescued a "purebread" Border Collie. We went to go pick her up, and I couldn't help but to laugh out loud. She is so adorable, but she is so not a Border Collie. She is a Bearded Collie mix, with a lovely lovely lovely personality to match this adorable face!

I handed her off to rescue, and she now has a wonderful home here in Boise. Woo hoo!
Ok ... I think that's it. We have weekly herding lessons going on ... and we have a couple of fun days coming up, and also a clinic. The AHBA trial is set for May. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to working dogs soon and will have updates for you on Grace, Tess and Echo.
Happy herding everyone!