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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Name that Trial!

Wow. I haven't posted yet this year! Happy New Year!

I am at a complete loss and need help from my readers. We are looking for a name for the February trial set for February 21 and 22 in Caldwell.

That weekend is technically George Washington's birthday.

Here's the Wiki entry for February:

Mardi Gras theme?

Pluto was discovered in February.

Groundhog Day is February 2nd.

Maybe we could take something from the Gettysburg Address ... hmmm .... four score and seven years ago ...

I don't have a clue. Anyone?

Happy tails,
Jodi (<--- new year ... I'm dumping "JD")


  1. Sweetheart Trial (in honor of Valentines day)

    For the second month how about the "Beta Trial".

    Okay those are both pretty lame eh?

  2. Not lame at all! Keep 'em comin'! The people that are putting on the trial are keeping an eye on this thread.

  3. How about "second month trail" wonder you are asking for help. *sigh*

  4. If it makes you feel any better, here were MY suggestions. LMAO!

    "The Red Top Ewemancipation" (Emancipation Proclamation) ... this almost sounds dirty somehow...

    I am also looking through Wiki to see if it can give me an idea. Here's the Wiki entry for February:

    How about a Mardi Gras theme?

    Pluto was discovered in February.

    Groundhog Day is February 2nd.

    We could take something from the Gettysburg Address ...

    Four Score SDT?

  5. Ya know...a while back someone posted the results for a trial back east called Broke Back Ranch SDT.

    No matter how many times I looked at it. It just never looked quite right. Between the movie and the fact that SDT was so close to another acronym (STD) I almost blew my coffee all over the screen each time I saw it.

    Okay - I have had WAY to much hard cider this evening...

    I tried to post a comment earlier and I have no idea what happened to it. So if this suggestion is a duplicate - blame Spire Mountain Hard Dry Apple Cider.

    How about dropping the month theme? Word of Mouth Trial, Woofs & Woolies...or here is a really imaginative one! "Late February SDT.


    "Tongue Tied Trial"

  6. How bout

    Freezin fetchin fools SDT

    Jack Frost's February SDT

    Frosen noses and toeses SDT
