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Monday, November 3, 2008

Election time!

Quite a few months ago, I forwarded an email to what I believed at the time was a very good friend of mine. It went like this:


(I sure would like to know who wrote this one! They deserve a HUGE pat on the back!)

Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them? Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their ASS, doing drugs, while I work. . . . Can you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check? Pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don't. Hope you all will pass it along, though.

Something has to change in this country -- and soon!

As it turns out, this email was the one that really proved to my friend what a nasty awful person I truly am. This self-proclaimed "extremely emphathetic individual" wrote to me and said, "I'm truly sorry that you will vote. Because you obviously don't take it seriously enough to get your facts, read your facts, think through your facts and realize that your experience is not the only one out there." She called the author of the above email a "flaming moron," and claimed that it's "demoralizing" for the people who are applying for benefits to be drug tested. (Apparently it's not "demoralizing" for someone who is applying for a government job.)

But that's what good friends do. After the very strong women before us fought tooth and nail for the right for women to vote in this country, this Jimmy Carter lovin' woman decided that since I do not agree with her "empathetic" (more like "pathetic") point of view, that I should be stripped of a right afforded to every man and woman in this country. So if you agree with the forwarded email above, watch out! There are Jimmy Carter fans all over who think you, too, should not vote!

So it makes me wonder. Who will Ms. Empathetic be voting for? She didn't exactly say in her emails to me of months ago, but judging by some of the information she included, she threw "statistics" around that appear to show that, of the welfare recipients that have been drug tested, there are very few that are on hard drugs. (Not sure where she got her numbers, but Health & Welfare statistics tell a very different story.) But in her world, none of that matters. Equal rights for all. Everyone is entitled to benefits. Everyone. Even "black" and "yellow" people. (Yellow people? Is that like the Homer Simpsons of the world?) So let's see:

Obama: Pro-choice.
McCain: Pro-life.

Well, if Obama lets a woman choose abortion, that's not fair to the unborn child. Who on earth would support that? Heck, that's not fair! If black and yellow people deserve benefits whether or not they are on drugs, poor innocent unborn children should have a chance at life ... so who in their right mind would choose Obama? Not Ms. Empathetic! Emphathetic people would never ever harm an unborn child by aborting it. No matter what! That's for sure! McCain all the way!

Obama: Abolish the death penalty
McCain: Supports the death penalty

Ummm ... now what? Ok, forget the unborn children. Who cares if they live or die? Obama doesn't want anyone ... "black" or "yellow" ... to be put to death because that "does little to deter crime." I am sure that Ms. Empathetic agrees with this notion, no? Heck, McCain will put a guy to death for something stupid like killing someone when they were on drugs, but drug addicts shouldn't be punished! They need help! So keep feeding them welfare so they can continue doing drugs, and killing people and Obama can keep them alive so we can pay their bills in jail and pay for their drug addicted families at home, too! Equal rights for all!

Obama: Wants to secure the borders.
McCain: Wants to secure the borders.

Oh no! What now? I thought this was equal rights for all! What will Ms. Empathetic do now? Surely she wants all the borders brought wide open and invite everyone in and put them all on public assistance because they deserve it, no? Where's her hero, Jimmy Carter, when we need him! Vote Carter!

Obama: "Not in favor of same sex marriage" but will leave it up to the individual states.
McCain: Does not believe gay marriage should be legal, but thinks people should be able to enter into legal contracts, i.e. power of attorney, etc.

Hmmm ... well, now here's a dilemna. Ms. Empathetic couldn't possibly vote for either candidate because that would be supporting the "petty prejudices" she accuses others of having, no? Equal rights for all! This wouldn't be fair! If drug addicted mothers and fathers can collect benefits, why shouldn't gay people who don't do drugs? Cross both of these guys off the ballot all together.

Healthcare for all? Or tax healthcare? Tax the rich? Or tax everyone? What to do, Ms. Empathetic? If she votes for Obama ("black"), that wouldn't be fair to all of the "yellow" people in the world, now would it? And if she votes for McCain (he's pretty "yellow," isn't he? Seen him lately?), that wouldn't be fair to all of the black people in the world!

Oh my. Decisions, decisions.

Guess what, Ms. Empathetic ... I'm voting. Whether you like it or not. Perhaps we can make a small change in this world where people will appreciate what they have, work hard for what they want, and not have everything handed to them on a silver platter.

Happy tails,

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