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Monday, December 3, 2012

New Camera

Saturday, I went with Phyllis to Caldwell and rode a gaited horse for the first time.  I see one of those in my future.

Sunday, I went to a fun day at Birt Arena, but there were so many people there that I'd only run two patterns by noon, so I took off.  It would have been fun if running different patterns was my thing, but it's not.  Kahlua was a bitch, and she gets pretty amped up in the arena, so it was good practice for the clinic this coming Saturday with Shannon Allison.

Finally went and bought a new camera.  It's a point and shoot, so it's going to take some getting used to.  But it will be much easier to take on the trail than my DSLR which is now owned by my son.  For those of you curious, I got the Canon Powershot SX 500 IS.  The jury is still out.  Here are a couple of photos taken late last night. 

As you can see, it's going to take some getting used to ... if I don't return it.


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