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Monday, March 1, 2010

How Ironic ....

I am on my lunch hour.  I ate my lunch, and then went down to my truck to let Echo out for a minute.  On my way back, I see my reflection in the windows of the stores I am passing, deciding that I am fat beyond words and really need to diet.  I walked the block and a half back to work, and by the time I got there, I was thinking about who I could hit up that might have chocolate.  See how long the diet thought lasted?  So I get back to my desk, and lo and behold, there are two boxes of "Thin Mints" on my desk that I bought from one of my boss' kids a month ago.  So as I sit here happily munching away ... I ponder the irony of calling them "thin" mints.  There's nothing thin about them, or me, when I am done with them.

But oh man are they good.

1 comment:

  1. Love how free you are on your blog- and your photos! i wish i lived somewere amazing like you, but in all my pics r just trees and city sidewalks... keep up the good work! thanks for sharing the pics of the adorable animals!
