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Monday, April 27, 2009

"Under Construction"

Katy and I were driving out to the Leaf yesterday when we drove right under a tree that had a couple of hawks sitting next to each other in the branch right over the street. So I stopped and backed up, which scared off the male, who flew to the back of the tree.

Here's the female.

She wasn't nuts about us being there. By now, I had put my camera together and was out of my truck snapping away like a crazy woman.

I wanted a photo of her in-flight, so I was taking one small step at a time toward the tree. She took off ...

... And landed on a telephone pole just a little down the road ...

The male quickly joined her ...

... and took off ...

That was awesome for me to see. I guess it's something I'll never take for granted because it's not something I grew up seeing in Dumont, NJ, and it's something you sure as hell don't find in L.A. Idaho rocks!

So, off to the Leaf we go!

Doesn't that look great now that the oh-so-tacky red front door is gone? Katy and her husband, Eric, are doing an awesome job fixing this place up. All new doors, all new windows, and now, even a new glass sliding door that over looks the pasture!

Zeke is never sure what to make of me, but can't help but come over and let me pet him because he knows I will.

Here is the master behind it all ... Eric.

There was a lovely lone tulip in the front of the house.

Here's the view from the driveway.

At some point, I will do some comparison photos from the day they bought it, through all the changes, and then the final product.

Awesome job, you guys!

Happy tails,


  1. XXX!!!!
    Hot bird on bird action!!!!!!

    Springtime is the best!

  2. LOL @ "Hot bird action"

    Great pictures!
    we do have lots of hawks in SoCal! Maybe not LA proper, but just outside you'll see red-tailed hawks out the wazoo.
