I'm chomping at the bit waiting to hear word about whether or not my offer was accepted on the house. But ... I am busy packing all the same. I wanted to take my time in putting my dad's Budweiser steins away so they won't break in the move. I had no newspaper, though. So I hopped in the truck and headed down to the little convenience store to see about getting a Sunday paper or two. Can you believe it? The Idaho Statesman is $2.00 on Sundays!!!!! WTF??? Even if you buy them on Monday night!!! What a ripoff. But the guy in the store pitied me and sold them to me for the daily rate of $ .75 each. I bought 4 of them. Came home and carefully packed three boxes of those awesome Christmas steins. Now I need to take the rack off the wall, all the nails out of the walls from the plates I had hanging up, and get the walls clean some time this week. That will take care of the entire dining room.
Justin came by today and cleaned out all the crap in his room that he left here when he moved out. That room is um ... not the nicest looking room in the house. The carpet throughout needs to be replace, but the walls in his room are pretty bad. There are several holes in the walls around the house. I will need to pick up some stuff to fill them with so at least all the landlord will have to do is paint and replace the carpet. The carpet was old when we moved in. It's older now.
I finished packing the books in the hallway as well, so that's entirely done now too. So ... two empty bedrooms, an empty dining room, an empty hallway ... it's getting there. The living room will be easy. My bedroom will be a giant pain in the ass, as will both bathrooms and the kitchen. I'll just keep plugging away at it though. The dog room is going to get done Wednesday night. I hope.
I had someone write me tonight from the past (who I asked to lose my email address) ... to tell me she enjoys my blog ... but it didn't take her long to tell me I was judgmental, that I need to grow up, that I'm an unhappy person, and that I have a problem with a lot of people. But thankfully, she clarified for me that she is not a judgmental person. Whew! And so happy she follows right along with my adventures. What would I do without my fans?
Justin watched Jag for me while I was at the trial this weekend. Sunday night, Jag stayed at Justin's apartment, so I was here with Zip and Echo. While I love these two dogs, I felt so vulnerable and it took me a long time to fall asleep. Looking at Jag tonight, he's aging pretty quickly on me. The lumps are all over his body and his eyes have a certain sadness in them at times that just breaks my heart. I can't think about this yet.
Ok ... I've been really bad about posting photos. Nothing intentional ... just haven't found the time. Here's some from some Tuesday night lessons with Dianne from early in July, along with the photos from the "Stay-cation" at Janie's house for the 4th of July.
Jaenne's Mo in the front, and Tiffany's Aussie in the back.
(I know that a lot of people feel the merle BCs look like Aussies. Most of the time, to me, there's a world of difference.)
Rusty (H/R Howdy) on a drive away.
Mo again:
Scout again:
Stay-cation photos. Here's the view from Kirk & Janie's.
My cute little trailer:
The hangout spot (irrigation canal right behind the tree):
My big baby dog, Jag.
Alright already! "GET IN!" (Ducking the bullet from Dianne)
The monster.
The Jag.
Damn, I just love this dog.
Ok ... this dog can stay too ... for now.
Our wonderful hosts, Janie and Kirk.
Mr. Charming.
Zip again.
Jag was really enjoying himself as well. I'm sure this felt good for his hips.
Isn't he adorable? All 85 lbs. of him? Even at 11 years old?
Janie is still teaching Kirk how to read.
Here's Jaenne's Kip and Echo.
A cool shot. No, I didn't do anything to it.
This one will be blown up and framed for safe keeping. The look on Jag's face is everything Jag is to me.
Zippy. Pretty svelte when he's wet, eh?
And Jag.
I am not done editing these yet ... I know I'm missing the photos of the fireworks and some other stuff I shot. Who knows when I will get to it, though.
I have some photos from this past weekend that I will try to get to this week amidst packing and stuff. I also haven't done the photos from the Saturday of the Big Willow trial. And I was going to send someone photos from the ASCA trial from months ago as well and still haven't gotten around to that. Ugh. I need to get caught up. Sorry.
Hopefully, there will be some pretty major changes happening in my life here pretty soon. I am dying to get out of this house and all of the memories it holds for me. I miss Justin terribly, as I haven't seen him in weeks, although I talk to him a couple of times a week. Without him here, though, this house looms over me and I've come to pretty much hate it. It's time to move on. A new start. A fresh outlook. A change of scenery.
We'll see.
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